UltimaSerial FFT1024: A free 1024-point Fast Fourier Transfer (FFT) ActiveX control for spectrum analysis 
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FFT1024 is a free 1024-point FFT ActiveX control, a FFT utility downloaded from a public domain and and wrapped into an easy-to-use ActiveX control

If you can't see the video above, please click this YouTube link directly


You can find that it is used in our project of Sound Analyzer that uses the microphone on PC to display the spectrogram of your voice


The package contains FFT1024, XChart and UltimaWaterfall, executable demos and VB samples for the charting utilities. The waveforms are generated artificially, making it a good starting point to incorporate these charting utilities with any user data.

Two VB6 sample programs are included:

demo_xchart: demonstrate how to create an user data array to send data to XChart. 

demo_waterfall_1024: demonstrate how to create a waveform for FFT1024 and Ultimawaterfall

If you use VisualBasic Express 2008 Edition, please get the source codes from here


  1. 1024 point FFT
  2. Data windowing
  3. Return scaled power spectrum compatible for UltimaWaterfall and XChart
  4. Provides variant and single access/assignment for the result/data
  5. Comes with VB samples, one uses artificial waveforms. Or you can find that it is used in our project of Sound Analyzer that uses the microphone on PC to display the spectrogram of your voice

For programmers:

  1. To learn how to use FFT1024, please refer to the sample programs included in the installation.
  2. Sound Analyzer also uses this control to interface to the microphone on PC to display the spectrogram of your voice
  3. If you have a Windaq Starter kit, UltimaSerial Spectrogram is also a good starting point (see its output window at the bottom of this page)
  4. Source codes for FFT1024 ActiveX can be downloaded here

Properties and Methods:


When set, a window will be applied to the data before FFT operation

short PowerScaler()

Scaling factor for power spectrum output

void Waveform(const VARIANT FAR& data)

Waveform input via a 16-bit signed integer array


16-bit integer scaled power spectrum output

void SetWaveformPt(short idx, short data)

Specify a data at a location specified byidx, where

data is a16-bit signed integer

0<=idx <1023

short GetPowerPt(short index)

Get the scaled power output at index point

void FFTNow(short size)

Perform FFT

short PeakIdx

Retrieve the index of the peak frequency

short GetRe(short idx)

Retrieve the real component at index point

short GetIm(short idx)

Retrieve the imaginary component at index point



Last update : 02/29/12

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