ExcelLink became a
joint-project with DATAQ recently, and it supports all WinDaq-capable
instruments from DATAQ Instruments.
It is capable to stream/capture data to 32-bit or 64-bit Excel.
Window Trigger
- This method defines when streaming start and stop, e.g. start streaming when
Channel1>3 (V), stop streaming when Channel2*Channel4>23 (Watt)
- Slope
- This method sends the readings of all channels to Excel when
a trigger condition is met, e.g, when Channel 1 * Channel2
>23 (Watt)
- Programmable pre- and post- trigger data length
- Event Trigger
- This method records the reading
of all channels to a spreadsheet when the reading on a specified
channel cross the threshold.
Sample Application
Automatically logs the cargo weight while it is being moved
through a conveyor belt.
At the end of the scale, create a mechanical switch
that connects to a pre-specified channel (a
pull-up is needed)
Run WinDaq and Excel
The cargo will be sent to the scale through a
conveyor belt
The cargo will trip the switch set up in step 1
The weight will be logged to Excel spread sheet
- Manual Trigger
Single click to send readings directly to Excel spread
Timestamp included
Last update: 06/21/24
© www.ultimaserial.com